About us
The society FRIENDS OF ABRAHAM (FREUNDE ABRAHAMS e. V.) wants to advance interreligious communication, especially between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, on an academic basis.
In today’s world, the path to mutual understanding and respect among Jews, Christians and Muslims is of obvious and dire importance. An academically based examination of the history of religions can help find such paths. The society FRIENDS OF ABRAHAM (FREUNDE ABRAHAMS e. V.) therefore aims at spreading the results of academic research beyond universities and making them accessible to the general public.
With deep sorrow we announce the death of our chairman Manfred Görg on September 17th, 2012. The obituary (in German) can be found here.
Our postal address:
FREUNDE ABRAHAMS e. V. • c/o Dr. Stefan Wimmer • Karl-Gayer-Str. 14 • 80997 München • Germany
If you want to delve deeper into this topic, we invite you to have a look at the thoughts of our late chairman, Prof. Manfred Görg, on the subject of „A Disarming Faith“ („Entwaffnender Glaube“, in German) and his interreligious creed:
An Interreligious creed (for Jews, Christians, and Muslims)
Ein interreligiöses Bekenntnis (für Juden, Christen und Muslime)
Ich halte mich fest an Gott,
dem Einen und Einzigen,
dem Allmächtigen und Allerbarmer,
dem verborgenen mit den vielen Namen.
Der unsere Wirklichkeit geschaffen
und uns ins Leben gerufen hat.
Der Menschen als seine Zeugen erwählt
wie Noah, Abraham und Mose,
und durch Propheten gesprochen hat,
wie durch Jesus, den Sohn der Mirjam,
und Mohammed als seine Gesandten.
Der alle seine Erwählten erhöht
und die wahrhaft Glaubenden annimmt.
Der uns allen seinen Geist schenkt,
damit wir weiter auf ihn hoffen,
bis er kommt und die Welt richtet
und uns alle und alles mit sich vereint.
(Manfred Görg)
The society was founded at the department for biblical theology of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) in the autumn of 2001. Its fifth anniversary was mentioned in an article in the Münchner Kirchenzeitung (Munich Church Newspaper) on January 28th, 2007. You can read the original (German) article here.
Prof. Manfred Görg was the author of numerous books and articles and, until 2003, professor for Old Testament studies at the LMU. For decades, he has dedicated the bulk of his internationally renowned academic work to an understanding of those faiths that are rooted in the ancient orient, approaching them from the angle of religious history to understand not only their present form, but also how they developed, were influenced and have influenced each other.
ABRAHAM is the ancestor and trailblazer of the faith in the one and only God. He gives hope to and connects all who strive for an interreligious encounter that preserves identities.
We have been awarded the sponsorship prize „Münchner Lichtblicke“ in 2006. You can find more information (in German) here.
More on our emblem can be found here (in German).
We proudly present an artwork of the german artist Christina Weck: symbols of the abrahamic religions (donated by members of the society)

Abraham’s Prisma