[ANE] NOTICES: 4ICAANE change of dates
Jack Sasson
Mon, 7 Jul 2003 08:48:48 -0500
>From "Hartmut [iso-8859-1] K¸hne" <kuehneha@zedat.fu-berlin.de>
For organisational reasons the organising committee announces a change
of dates for the 4th International Conference for the Archaeology of the
Ancient Near East (4ICAANE). The conference days will now be March 29 to
April 3, 2004.
Registration will beginn on Sunday, March 28, 4 p.m. at the conference
The congress will be inaugurated on Monday morning, March 29. It will
end on Saturday night, April 3. Sunday, April 4, will be optional for
excursions and visits of exhibitions and museums.
Further information will be circulated on our web site: www.4ICAANE.de
With kind regards,
Hartmut K¸hne, Ricardo Eichmann, Beate Salje