Stefan Jakob Wimmer sjwimmer@web.de
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 13:56:20 +0200
4ICAANE Berlin, 1-7 April 2004
As one of the participants of previous ICAANEs, I appreciate the invitation
to the 4ICAANE to be held next year
in Berlin. The ICAANE has successfully become established as THE major
event for scholars related directly or
indirectly to ANE studies. This being said, it is the more incomprehensible,
that an embarrassing faut-pas seems
to have occurred concerning the timing of the Berlin congress.
The congress period overlaps with the first days of Passover (including
the holy Seder-night), which - as everybody
involved should understand - will make it difficult if not impossible
for Jewish scholars to attend. If those who are
Christian will imagine being invited to a congress that is timed over
Christmas, and those who are Muslim will
imagine being invited to a congress that is timed over the end of Ramadan,
the point will become obvious.
The ICAANE has proven to be one of the rare and invaluable forums where
participants from ALL countries of the
Near East and beyond can meet and share their contributions to a scientific
discussion. The ICANNE has committed
itself to contributing to this discussion, and to the hopes for a better
future of the region, to which we are all obliged.
Even though it will by now be difficult to change the schedule, there can
be no alternative, than to re-time the
4ICAANE, and appeal to everyone’s understanding - as anything else
would virtually amount to nothing less than a
considerate exclusion of Jewish participants. Add to this, the venue
Berlin(!) - and not one word more will have to
be wasted in order to make the point more than clear.
The Friends of Abraham Society, which commits itself to a scientific background
for a better understanding of Judaism,
Christianity and Islam, and which happens to be based in Germany, appeals
to the organisers of the 4ICAANE to take
the necessary steps without further delay for settling the embarrassment
and consternation that is being caused.
Dr. Stefan Jakob Wimmer,
Vice-President of the Friends of Abraham Society
Munich, Germany