Jack Sasson
Tue, 27 May 2003 10:58:15 -0500
>From Rika Jean-Francois <rika.jean-francois@ctw-congress.de> came this
Dear Colleague,
On behalf of Professor Hartmut Kuehne, chair of the Organising Committee,
we take pleasure in announcing the 4th International Congress on the
Archaeology of the Ancient Near East - 4ICAANE / Berlin, 1 - 7 April 2004.
The First Circular is attached to this document.
For more information and online registration, kindly visit
Looking forward to welcoming you to Berlin in April 2004, we remain with
best regards
Rika Jean-Francois
Congress Organisation Thomas Wiese GmbH
Gosslerstr. 30
D-12161 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 85 99 62-20
Fax: (030) 85 07 98 26
Email: rika.jean-francois@ctw-congress.de
Internet: www.ctw-congress.de
Extract from website:
Dear Colleague,
The Institut fuer Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde, Freie Universitaet
Berlin, in cooperation with the Orient-Abteilung, Deutsches
Archaeologisches Institut, and the Vorderasiatisches Museum, Staatliche
Museen zu Berlin, takes pleasure in inviting scholars to convene for
4ICAANE at the Freie Universitaet Berlin on 17 April 2004. After Rome,
Copenhagen and Paris, the ICAANE will meet in Germany for the first time.
The programme of the 4ICAANE invites colleagues who specialise in the
archaeology of the Ancient Near East including prehistorians, historians,
art historians, anthropologists, philologists and natural scientists to
contribute to one of the four main themes, the workshops and / or the
posters. There will be neither a regional emphasis, nor a chronological
limit but it is suggested that the Ancient Near East may be concluded with
the collapse of the Sasanian empire.
4ICAANE will continue the tradition in offering four main themes to be
organised in four sections of the conference. In addition there will be
room for poster presentations, workshops, sectional meetings and social
activities. An introductory invited paper will start each section. Invited
observers will cover each section to present a rsum of each main theme on
the last day of the conference.
Main Themes
Main Theme 1:
Reconstruction of Environment. Natural Resources and Human Inter-Relation
Through Time.
The theme encompasses the environmental setting (vegetation, fauna, river
regimes, water and other resources including sediments, stone, and metals)
as inter-related to human activities and subsistence strategies (mirrored
by landuse, water management, urbanisation, settlement and political
systems etc. as well as material culture) at any period and in any region
of the Ancient Near East.
Main Theme 2:
Art History: Visual Communication
Archaeologists agree that Ancient Near Eastern images bear information
which needs to be decoded. What is the code, by which means is it
depicted, who is communicating, who are the recipients of the message?
Main Theme 3:
Social and Cultural Transformation: The Archaeology of Transition Periods
and Dark Ages
Periods of political, socio-economic and cultural stability and of
normative values are followed by so called Transitional Periods or if
long lasting and with little cultural information Dark Ages throughout
the history of civilisations of the Ancient Near East and Ancient Egypt.
Are they periods of transformation and what can archaeology offer to
explain them?
Main Theme 4:
Reports on Archaeological Field Work
For each excavation only one report will be accepted. Field reports should
stress the results rather than the details. Some of them may match one of
the other main themes and may be delivered there.
Programme & Papers
There will be room for about 60 papers in each section. If too many are
offered there will be a selection to firm up the programme. Papers should
be devoted strictly to the corresponding main theme. They will last for no
more than 20 minutes plus 10 minutes of discussion.
Please note: We do not accept any papers dealing with unprovenienced
Posters and poster presentations:
There will be space for about 100 posters by the size of 120 x 90 cm. Time
for poster presentations is reserved in the general schedule.
Four workshops may be organised, each limited to one afternoon (14.0018.30
h). Workshops must be prepared by the initiator prior to the conference so
that the limited time may be used for exchanging arguments. At present we
have proposals for four workshops but we encourage further proposals. The
deadline is May 25, 2003. The Organising Committee will select the four
themes and inform the applicants immediately.
Social Programme / Events:
Sunday, April 4, will be the day off for visiting Berlin. Further details
will be submitted in the second circular.
Organising Commitee
Hartmut Kuehne, Rainer Czichon, Janoscha Kreppner;
Ricardo Eichmann, Margarete van Ess, Jutta Haeser;
Beate Salje, Lutz Martin;
Sybill De Vito-Egerland
International Committee
Manfred Bietak, Barthel Hrouda, Jean Claude Margueron, Wendy Matthews,
Paolo Matthiae, Diederik Meijer, Ingolf Thuesen, Irene J. Winter
Conference Venue
Freie Universitaet Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau
Garystrasse 35
D-14195 Berlin
General Information
Congress Organisation/Registration
Congress Organisation Thomas Wiese GmbH
Gosslerstr. 30
D-12161 Berlin
Phone: +49 - 30 - 85 99 62 20
Fax: +49 - 30 - 85 07 98 26
e-mail: 4icaane@ctw-congress.de
To register, please use the registration form. After receipt of payment of
the registration fees you will receive a written confirmation from CTW.
Registration by 30 June 2003 will ensure receipt of the second circular in
July 2003. It will provide further information about the congress and
details about accommodation and transport, and solicit the registration
The registration fee is expected to be 120 EUR, rising to 150 EUR after 15
December 2003. Registered students and accompanying persons will pay a
reduced fee of 60 EUR, rising to 80 EUR after 15 December 2003.
The registration fee for the congress includes the attendance at all
sessions of the congress, the conference documents and the participation
at the social events. The registration fee for accompanying persons
includes only the attendance at the social events.
Mode of payment
Copy of the bank transfer form payable to:
CTW Thomas Wiese 4ICAANE
Commerzbank, Blissesstr. 26, 10713 Berlin
a/c no. 770717702
sort code 100 400 00 (swift no. COBADEBB)
IBAN DE 15 1004 0000 0770 7177 02
or the necessary details for payment by credit card (card number,
cardholder, expiry date we accept Master Card/Eurocard, American Express
and Visa).
All amounts are payable in Euro. All bank charges must be paid by the
participant. Please quote the name of the participant on every giro
transfer form or cheque. For summary payment orders, please enclose a list
of names.
Cancellation of Congress Registration
Cancellations are accepted in written form only and should be directed to
CTW. Withdrawals received before 31 January 2004 will be refunded after
deduction of a handling charge of EUR 50. 50% of the registration fees
shall be refunded in the event of cancellation after 31 January 2004 until
1 March 2004. Fees can no longer be refunded in the event of cancellation
after 1 March 2004.
Neither the organisers nor CTW are liable for any losses, accidents, or
damage to people or objects, for whatever reason. Participants and
accompanying persons attend the congress and the evening events at their
own risk and responsibility.
Submission of Abstracts
Deadline: 15 December 2003
If you intend to present a poster or an oral presentation, please use the
abstract form or submit your abstract to CTW by e-mail
(4icaane@ctw-congress.de) or send it by mail on a disc (with a hard copy
added): MS-DOS, Word for Windows, otherwise RTF-Format or ASCII-Text.
Abstracts submitted by fax are not accepted.
Abstracts should be prepared meeting a standard: title, author(s)
[presenting author indicated with a prefixed*], institute(s), abstract
(200 words maximum), corresponding author (complete address).
Please assign your abstract to one of the main themes mentioned below and
inform us whether you wish to present a poster or an oral lecture.
The presenting author of a poster or oral presentation has to register
(including payment) for the conference before the submitted abstract(s)
will be evaluated by the organising committee.
Yours sincerely
Hartmut Kuehne
Institut fuer Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Beate Salje
Vorderasiatisches Museum
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz
Ricardo Eichmann
Deutsches Archaeologisches